Big guns ... Denzel Washington can command $20 million per film. Source: News Limited
WHO says Hollywood stars aren’t worth what they used to be?
At least six actors are demanding — and getting — as much as $20 million per picture, right up there with the bloated heyday of star salaries in the 1990s.
A survey by The Hollywood Reporter has revealed the excesses of Tinseltown’s $20 million club, whose members include Robert Downey Jr., Leonardo DiCaprio, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington and Matt Damon.
Top earner ... Leonardo DiCaprio was paid a staggering $25 million upfront for The Wolf of Wall Street. Source: AP
When it comes to megabucks, DiCaprio leads the pack — he was paid a staggering $25 million upfront for his role in Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street.
Smart move ... Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr is laughing all the way to the bank. Source: AP
Downey’s Iron Man films — and the shrewd back-end he negotiated that is worth tens of millions more — mean he probably never has to work again, but that’s unlikely to halt his output.
Wow factor ... Sandra Bullock is Hollywood’s highest-paid actress after negotiating a spectacular deal for Gravity. Source: Getty Images
Like Downey, Matt Damon will also command $20 million for the next chapter of his lucrative Bourne series.
As for Bradley Cooper, it’s only a matter of time before he joins the $20 million club, The Hollywood Reporter says.
Big bucks ... don’t be so glum Matt Damon — the next Bourne film will net you $20 million.Source: Splash News Australia
Following the success of American Sniper and his three Oscar nominations, Cooper is expected to command $15 million to $20 million a picture, The Hollywood Reporter reports.
Four women are in the $15 million-plus range: Bullock, Jolie, Melissa McCarthy and Jennifer Lawrence.
Serious cash ... Bradley Cooper — with fellow high earner Jennifer Lawrence — is on a roll.Source: AP
Bullock remains the highest-earning actress after a spectacular deal for Gravity saw her rake in more than $70 million, once profits were factored in.
When it comes to action films, Dwayne Johnson is still the man — the Hercules Star can command $14 million to $15 million a film
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